Friday, August 6, 2010


"It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds.

Law is defined as the set of rules enforced by the countries governing body. Law may restrict people inappropriate behavior to a high extent, but thoughts do not have any limits and cannot be barred by law. One’s thoughts may wander without any guiding force. Law does not possess any device or instrument to check on to the thoughts. Law may impose certain restriction in the ways one should behave but cannot control one’s imagination. Thus the above issue is justified.
The inappropriate behavior that does not go with the law is implied with breaking the law and rules, which law bodies have set up. This further is nothing else but committing a crime. Law may have had setup certain punishment for certain crime, but this does not assure that the crime will not be repeated. The criminal may most probably repeat the crime if the punishment is not convincing enough for him to stop. For instance the local muggers and thieves generally are not the one with clear criminal records and are professionals.
It’s a fact that before any crime takes place it has already taken place in the mind of the criminal. (P.S I don’t imply to the acts of crime that occur due to accidents, self defense and movement of madness, etc...)  The criminal behavior is mostly deliberate and well planned and law does not impose any hindrance in the planning.
The right manner to teach how to behave is to discipline and to teach one how to think appropriately is to provide strong morals in the formative years of one’s life. Both the factors i.e. morals and discipline are retrained via education hence to ensure better living standards the governing body should put more emphasis on the education. Better educated individual are more civilized and knowledgeable about the law, discipline and morals.
Conclusion; law may control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds but education can.

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