Saturday, August 7, 2010


"The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes."
Academics or education is the process of acquiring knowledge and broadening the horizon of one’s perception. The difference in the way a child perceive the world and an educated adult perceive the same can be easily seen in the people around us. The mature thought process in an adult individual is due to the knowledge and experience he or she has acquired in the course of academic discipline that he or she pursue. Thus the statement, (The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.) Has significance.
The people in older times are quintessential of the above issue, for them the basic natural phenomenon was not less than a miracle. Disease was taken as the act of evil and eclipse was the sign of God’s wrath. Some of these processes, say rainbow and stars are still not less than a fascinating miracle for an uneducated baby. Uneducated people in rural areas do not have the knowledge about the disease caring agents that proliferates due to unhygienic lifestyle; this in turn narrows their willingness to keep cleanness in their surroundings. Majority of people in US who does not have the proper knowledge about the heavenly bodies, think moon in made up of cheese. There are various such superstitions that only pedagogy can correct.
 In general the perception of children is same. It varies with the change in surroundings and different experience in academic life. During the formative years of one’s academic life a simple outline of basic knowledge is provided. Later the scope diverges into various academic disciplines, and the knowledge becomes more of complex details. For illustration an engineer has a better knowledge about the machine and programs that he or she has to deal with, a person studying medicine has knowledge about human body and metabolism, a detective has better knowledge of the patterns of the crime, etc. in nutshell the purpose of education is to provide a better and profound understanding of the surroundings.
Conclusion; the difference in different individual is the way they perceive the same world; the difference itself has originated through the academic discipline that one has completed. The excellence in the inherit triads that are developed during the course of academic discipline.

1 comment:

ravish yadav said...

very well written , nice thoughts also, even education is the one and only solution for every problem world is facing today,,,,