Wednesday, November 11, 2009


"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as few people speak them. The government of such countries should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct"
About five to six thousand languages are spoken across the globe! No exact count of the languages spoken is available, as there is just a thin line for classifying the languages/dialects. Language differs on a locational basis of a few kilometers. According to a survey some of these languages may extinct in the near future, and will be considered as dead language.
As far as it is about preserving the cultural heritage it has to be done to some extend. And it can be done by the community or by people of particular region by giving proper knowledge of there ancestral language to there progeny. The descents of the culture may not use the language in there everyday life in a globalized world, but this certainly can be preserved by the family and relatives and pass it on to the successive generations.
This task will be somewhat problematic for government as the number and diversity is so high and could lead to secular approach of small towns with different lingual basis. Above all, it could turn into a “good for nothing” political issue and may harm the unity of the nation.
The basic purpose of any language is to communicate, exchange thoughts and knowledge. As long as this purpose is served and we are commuting with each other in the planet its good enough. English is considered as a global language as it is highly spoken throughout the word.
I may just waffle about this topic as I don’t think the government of these nations can or should take it as a political issue. Attacking on heritage especially on the language to be used in any particular state or country may not be a suitable option.
A contemporary and apt example of one such attempt was sited in Indian state of  Maharashtra. Where people from some politicized background, let me be specific Mr. Raj Thackery, a man of monarch mindset have made it a rule (illegal rule) that the state should use their heritage language ie Marathi. And I should not miss to mention that he is the same lad who organized a Michael Jackson concert for the first time in India at the Andheri Sports Complex in Mumbai. The man who does not mind westernization, but creates fuss over youngsters celebrating Valentine's Day. Well I guess he is just being another hypocrite Indian playing political games on the name of saving the culture. This certainly is not any of his attempts to save the cultural heritage but just another chore of playing dirty politics in India.

Monday, October 5, 2009


"Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated."

System In the present time the world is moving towards modernization and globalization in which a lot of different communities with different cultural and traditional backgrounds are coming together. This era of time has brought together the whole lot of different backgrounds with different moral values to come together. These different morals are often found contradicting each other rising to some major conflicts.

In the present time morality can not be well defined. Indeed it is more of a relative term. Morals are the code of conduct and the beliefs that are accepted out of any individual in any particular society and culture. Legalizing morals in a specific well defined way is not the option as moral behavior varies from person to person and basically depends on the upbringing and acculturation. Most of the problems in today’s society are dealing with the different perception of morals.
Let us take a few examples of the problems that the society is facing today.                               
·        Abortion. For some it is an immoral act to kill a life as in a few religions it is considered sinful to do so. Others think that keeping the baby and not being able to give him or her proper lifestyle and facility as an act of immorality. So the both options that is in favor of or against abortion are extreme points in the line of conduct. Both are justified according to the respective morals.
·        Homosexuality. Is one of the serious issue in today’s time most of the people find that same gender relationship is absolutely against the law of nature and is somewhat like going against the god himself and is an absolutely immoral. On the other hand people who advocate this behavior think that love don’t have any boundaries nor even gender or social stigma and find nothing harmful or hate able in it, love in any form is love and god can never be against it. And this justify how they are not being immoral
 I somewhat agree to the above issue. Most of the problems of the recent times in society are dealing with the undefined lines of morality. And law and legal cannot define morality.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Outrageous Truth

"Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time."

First of all I would like to point out what’s " wisdom of the time"is, it basically has to do with the mind set of the people of today, at what level they think, how broader is there mentality and how easily they are ready to take the changing time towards future. The wisdom of time is where the word is today at this part of time is. We can look back in time and see how it had changed in last few decades.

The issue drove me back to the time of Galileo. Galileo Galilei one of the greatest scientific thinker of the time and the founder of astronomy. He questioned the prevailing idea of that time. He focused people eyes on what’s happening in the sky and gave his one of the major work in the form of ''The Starry Messenger” this work described the universe as heliocentric (sun is the at the center and earth revolves around) rather then the earth is the center of universe which at that time was advocated by the church. This work landed him into trouble as the church opposed it forcefully. This even lead him to spend last four years of his life under house arrest. This Copernican against the Ptolemaic system is one of the most appropriate examples of the issue above.

Also we can take examples from law of “natural selection”. There was a serious scientific objection to the theory of evolution by Mr. Charles Darwin. That indeed was the most successful theory of the nineteenth century. To which the religion and the people at that time opposed strongly. Criticism of Darwin’s theory of natural selection was outrageous then and eventuality it was accepted by the world. His theory purposes, a direct challenge to the already existing religious and moral grounds of that time.

One of the most recent truth of time is homosexuality its have been accepted at some parts of world but is still hideous in most of the places. Sooner or latter it will be accepted

So I think the issue stands true for most of the cases. History justify that the truth at first is outrageous and latter accepted at that part when it becomes the need of time.